This Work was developed during the International Photography Symposium in Germany 2010.
For this work i travelled to the Anholter-Schweiz, a park - site located nearby the
town Rees (Northern Rhin area-Germany).
This park opened in 1892 after Leopold zu Salm.
Salm imported a formidable amount of rocks by horse drawn cart, creating a
miniature switzerland close to the dutch border.
Essentially i was looking for a single immense,hulking example of a rock.
Just as in fairy tales and ancient myth ,a rock is associated with endless sleep,
for me it symbolise ultimate quiet.
After experiencing the minor dissapointment of only being able to find smaller stones,
i decided to photograph all the small rocks that were there,
exporting them out of the scenery.
I began to copy -paste details from the photos to design my own ultimate mountain.
In cooperation with Annika Hauke.
shown 2010 at International Photography Symposium , ARTOLL Labor Germany